Breast Lift with Implants | Smith Plastic Surgery Ottawa | Ontario
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What is Breast Lift with Implants?


For those women who would like to increase the size of their breasts as well as restore a more youthful, upright position. Also known as augmentation-mastopexy, a breast lift with implants raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a breast lift will reduce this as well. A breast lift with implants can rejuvenate your figure with a breast profile that is more youthful and uplifted.  Breast augmentation surgery involves using implants to increase the size of your breasts or restore breast volume that has been lost after weight reduction or pregnancy. Breast lift with implants can:


  • Increase fullness and projection of your breasts.

  • Restore a more youthful, upright position of your breasts

  • Improve the balance of your figure.


Breast lift with implants is a very personal procedure and you should do it for yourself, not for someone else. Breast augmentation is a good option if:


  • You are physically healthy

  • You have realistic expectations

  • Your breasts are fully developed

  • You are dissatisfied with your breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or with aging

  • You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small

  • You are unhappy with the upper part of your breast appearing "empty"

  • Your breasts are asymmetrical

  • Breast lift with implants will correct severely drooping breasts. If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a breast lift is required in conjunction with breast augmentation. 

The breast-lift portion of the surgery is usually done at the same time as your breast augmentation.  However, sometimes it is better to perform the two surgeries separately. Dr. Smith will assist you in making this decision. 


Consultation and Preparing for Surgery


During your consultation be prepared to discuss:

  • Why you want the surgery, your expectations, and the desired outcome

  • Medical conditions, drug allergies, and previous medical treatments

  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use

  • Family history of breast cancer and results of any mammograms or previous biopsies


Dr. Smith will also:

  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors

  • Examine and measure your breasts, including detailed measurements of their size and shape, skin quality, and placement of your nipples and areolas

  • Take photographs to evaluate and plan your procedure (with your consent)

  • Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment

  • Discuss likely outcomes of breast augmentation and any risks or potential complications


Prior to surgery, you may be asked to:

  • Get a blood test

  • Adjust your current medications

  • Stop smoking

  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs as they can increase bleeding


Breast lift with implant surgery may be performed in an accredited outpatient or ambulatory surgical centre or a hospital.


Be sure to ask Dr. Smith questions. It's very important to understand all aspects of your breast surgery. It's natural to feel some anxiety, whether it's excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress. Don't be shy about discussing these feelings with Dr. Smith.


Breast Augmentation Options


Implant choices:


  • Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. Should the implant shell leak, a saline implant will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the body. They provide a uniform shape, firmness and feel.


  • Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. The gel feels a bit more like natural breast tissue. If the implant leaks, the gel may remain within the implant shell, or may escape into the breast implant pocket. A leaking implant filled with silicone gel will not collapse. An ultrasound or MRI screening can assess the condition of breast implants.


  • Form-stable implants are sometimes referred to as gummy bear implants because the consistency of the silicone gel inside the implant is thicker than the previous generation of silicone gel implants.


Surface Texture:


  • Smooth breast implants are the softest feeling. These implants can move with the breast implant pocket, which may give more natural movement. This is the only type of implant offered by Dr. Smith.


  • Textured breast implants develop scar tissue to stick to the implant.  Dr. Smith does not offer this type of implant because they have an association with an unusual condition called BiALCL (breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma).


Dr. Smith will take into account your wishes and concerns and will choose the right breast augmentation option for you.

Implant manufacturers occasionally introduce new styles and types of implants, so there may be additional options available. Whether you choose saline or silicone implants, it is important for you to monitor your breast implants and follow-up with Dr. Smith for appropriate checkups.


The Procedure


Step 1 - Anesthesia
Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia.

Step 2 - The incision
Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. You and Dr. Smith will discuss which incision options are appropriate for your desired outcome. Incision options include:


Around the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease

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Around the areola, vertically down from the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease

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Step 3 - Inserting and placing the implant:
After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either:

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A. Under the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement), or

B. Directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (subglandular placement)

The method for inserting and positioning implants depends on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your body type, and Dr. Smith’s recommendations.


Step 4 - Reshaping your breasts 
After your doctor makes the incisions:

  • The underlying breast tissue is lifted and reshaped to improve breast contour and firmness.

  • The nipple and areola are repositioned to a natural, more youthful height.

  • If necessary, enlarged areolas are reduced by excising skin at the perimeter.

  • Excess breast skin is removed to compensate for a loss of elasticity.


Step 5 - Closing the incisions
After your breasts are reshaped and excess skin is removed, the remaining skin is tightened as the incisions are closed. Some incision lines resulting from breast lift are concealed in the natural breast contours; however, others are visible on the breast surface. Incision lines are permanent, but in most cases will fade and significantly improve over time. Sutures are layered deep within the breast tissue to support the newly shaped breasts. Sutures, skin adhesives and/or surgical tape may be used to close the skin.


Step 6 - See the results
The results of your breast surgery are immediately visible. The breast tissues are restored to a more youthful and uplifted position.  Satisfaction with your new breast contour should continue to grow as you recover. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade.


Risks and Safety


The decision to have breast mastopexy augmentation surgery is extremely personal and you'll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications are acceptable. Dr. Smith and/or staff will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure and any risks and potential complications.

Possible risks include:

  • Anesthesia risks

  • Bleeding

  • Infection

  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation

  • Poor scarring of skin

  • Undesirable position of the implant

  • Implant leakage or rupture

  • The formation of tight scar tissue around the implant (capsular contracture)

  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)

  • Wrinkling of the skin over the implant

  • Pain, which may persist

  • Possibility of revisional surgery

  • BiALCL (breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma)

  • Breast implant associated illness​

  • Potential partial or total loss of nipple and areola


These risks and others will be fully discussed prior to your consent. It is important that you address all your questions directly with Dr. Smith.

Other important considerations:

  • Breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime and future surgery may be required to replace one or both implants

  • Pregnancy, weight loss, and menopause may influence the appearance of augmented breasts over the course of your lifetime

  • Breast augmentation requires regular examinations of your breasts' health and to evaluate the condition of your implants


Recovery After Surgery


After surgery you will be taken into a recovery area to be closely monitored. Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze dressings and an elastic bandage or support bra will minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal. You may be permitted to go home after a few hours.

Before leaving, you will be given specific instructions that may include how to care for your breasts following surgery, medications to take orally to reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow-up with Dr. Smith. You may be instructed to wear a support bra around the clock for the first several weeks. It will be important to cleanse the incision sites and apply ointment as directed. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully.

After a post-surgical recovery period of 24 to 48 hours and an additional reduced-activity period of a few days, you will likely experience soreness and swelling for a few weeks. Exercise and normal activity can resume at the direction of Dr. Smith.  Return to full activity is usually possible after 6 weeks of healing.




The results of breast mastopexy-augmentation are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will subside and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new breast profile should continue to grow as you fully recover from surgery. In order to achieve optimal results, it is important that you follow Dr. Smith’s post-operative instructions and return for follow-up visits. 

It's important to know that breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. Your implants may need to be replaced. You should plan for an annual examination by Dr. Smith to evaluate your breast health and implant integrity.

Over time, your breasts can change due to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal factors and gravity. If, after a period of years, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a breast lift or implant exchange to restore a more youthful contour.


Following Dr. Smith’s instructions is essential to the success of your surgery. It's important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or motion during the time of healing. Dr. Smith will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself.




Prices for breast lift with implantmas procedures can vary. The cost will be based on the type of procedure required to address your specific needs.  Dr. Smith does offer patient financing plans, so be sure to ask.

You will be charged one fee and this will include:

  • Anesthesia fees

  • Hospital or surgical facility costs

  • Cost of breast implants

  • Medical tests (if required)

  • Post-surgery garments (bra)

  • Surgeon's fee


Dr. Smith


Your satisfaction involves more than a fee.  When choosing a plastic surgeon for breast mastopexy-augmentation, remember that the surgeon's experience and your comfort with him or her is just as important as the final cost of the surgery.


Plastic surgery involves many choices. The first and most important is selecting a Plastic Surgeon you can trust. Plastic Surgeons such as Dr. Smith, certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada meet rigorous standards:


  • Board certification by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada®

  • Completed five years of surgical training following medical school

  • Pass comprehensive oral and written exams

  • Complete continuing medical education, including patient safety

  • Perform surgery in accredited hospitals and surgical facilities


Following Dr. Smith’s Plastic Surgery residency, he completed an extra year of training, completing two additional clinical Fellowships to further his expertise in the field of Plastic Surgery. Please see his biography for more details.


Do not be confused by other official sounding boards and certifications.  Be sure to choose a highly trained plastic surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.


This procedural information is intended strictly for educational purposes. Only models are depicted in these procedural information pages. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough, in-person consultation with Dr. Smith.



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