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  How to Choose the Right Doctor For Your Face Lift

Deciding to have a face lift or even using one of the popular facial fillers on the market today is a big decision. You want to trust this to the best doctor you can find. But, how can you decide what facility is the best for you to use? We’ve put together a list of 4 things you should look for when you are choosing a doctor for your face lift or facial fillers.


  • Good Reviews - While reviews don’t tell the whole story, you can get a good idea of what former and current patients think about a facility by checking out the online reviews. Rate MDs, Facebook, Google are all good places to look for unbiased reviews.

  • Licensed - Never consider getting your facial fillers or a lifting procedure done at a clinic or spa that doesn’t have all the appropriate licenses. You want to make sure a doctor is available make sure you are being taken care of throughout the process.

  • Treatment Menu - There are many different options for lifts and fillers today. Take a look at the treatment menu and make sure the procedure you are looking for is available.

  • Before and Afters - Ask the doctor or another member of the staff for access to before and after shots of patients that had the same procedure done as you are considering. This may give you a better idea of what to expect.

Additionally, if you are considering any of these procedures in or around Ottawa, we invite you to come check us out at Smith Plastic Surgery. We are a full-service plastic surgery centre staffed by a certified Plastic Surgeon. We are here to help you look and feel your very best whether you choose a face lift or a non-surgical procedure.

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